About our experienced debt advisors' team

We’ve helped thousands of people achieve debt freedom. Now let’s see how we can help you!

As much as we all would prefer to handle things on our own, there are times in our lives when we all need some help. When you’re trying to get out of debt on your own, it can be an overwhelming task that often leads to a dead end for consumers. To start, you need to know how to pay off credit card debt. The interest rate on a credit card balance is usually between 10-30% (APR). These high interest rates can be very costly and make it difficult for people to pay down their debt in a reasonable time. Most consumers can afford only to make their minimum payments, so it can sometimes take over a decade to pay off your debt. It’s no wonder many people need help getting out of debt. If you were to fall behind on the accounts it gets even more difficult to get back on track. Your creditors will increase your rates and tack on late and over the limit fees making it impossible for someone facing a hardship to catch up. Unfortunately most people choose to do nothing and hope things will get better. This can be very expensive. Eventually your debts must be handled. Unless you can afford to pay your balance in full every month, you may want to consider other options that are available. For more information on the best way to get out of debt — including debt settlement — turn to the experts at Optimal Debt Solutions.

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