Success stories of our debt relief services

We are proud of the results we get for our clients. Successful negotiations are achieved by our experienced negotiators tirelessly working to get our clients the best possible results. Below is a small sample of some actual settlements we have recently achieved for our clients!

Type of AccountOriginal BalanceSettlement Amount% SavedAmount Saved
Credit Card$1699.26$424.8275%$1274.44
Credit Card$14378.61$575260%$8626.61
Dept. Store Card$922.08$420.0054.95%$502.08
Credit Card$1167.65$29275%$875.65
Personal Loan$5921.04$200066.93%$3921.04
Dept. Store Card$388.08$15560.10%$233.00
Credit Card$3628.18$1088.4670%$2539.27

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